Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bodyweight Exercises for Fat Loss and Bootcamps

Hi Everyone

It's Monday..

So yesterday I had a Full day of fitness, from the minute I woke up till the 2 hours of Salsa I ended the night with..

Details of the workout and video of some of the dancefloor move are on the facebook page:

Now I quick post from Craig B here:

Couple of years ago, in response to reader demands, I put together
a little workout called Bodyweight Cardio.

It was a hit, and last spring I created an even better version
called "Bodyweight Cardio 3".

And within that program, the most popular was Workout B, where you
do 5 circuits of 5 exercises, spending 1 minute on each exercise.
I want to give you the first 3 rounds today. Here we go:

Round #1
- Jumping Jacks
- Bodyweight Squats
- T-Pushups (alternate sides)
- Repeated Vertical Jumps
- Prisoner Lunges

Round #2
- Pushup
- Prisoner Squat
- Squat Thrust
- Duck Under
- Burpee

Round #3
- Seal Jump
- Spiderman Climb
- Get Up
- Side-Step
- Run in Place

Again, this was one of my most popular programs of 2010, and if you
want Rounds 4 & 5, plus workouts A, C, and D from that program, AND
more at home bodyweight workouts, you can get them all for only $19.95:


More at-home workouts on the way

Want to get out of the house..

Come to Bootcamp, 45 minutes of NON STOP FAT BURNING
for lees than $22 per class..
Join here: http://www.southfloridafitnessbootcamp.com/payment-options/

Have a great week

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The "C" word Women HATE

Hi Everyone,

We are talking about the C word today..


First what is it?

Well Wiki says:

Cellulite is a topographic skin change claimed to occur in most postpubertal females.[1] It presents as a modification of skin topography evident by skin dimpling and nodularity that occurs mainly in women on the pelvic region, lower limbs, and abdomen, and is caused by the herniation of subcutaneous fat within fibrous connective tissue, leading to a padded or orange peel–like appearance

What does it look like?

Weight Loss May Worsen Cellulite?

The research, published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the official medical journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, is based on a study of 29 women who enrolled in medically supervised weight loss programmes. These included low-fat meals and the extreme measure of bariatric surgery, such as gastric bypass and gastric banding. Seventeen of these patients (58%) experienced an improvement in the appearance of their cellulite, but nine (31%) saw their condition worsen.

The patients with the biggest improvements were those who lost the most weight and lowered their percentage of thigh fat. They also had a higher body mass index (BMI) to begin with and more severe cellulite.

Patients whose cellulite worsened started with a "significantly" lower BMI, lost smaller amounts of weight and had no change in percentage of thigh fat.

Those whose skin became looser after weight loss - losing its elasticity - also had worse cellulite. The average weight loss was 13.8kg (30.5lb). The study concluded that losing weight had "variable effects" on the appearance of cellulite.

John Kitzmiller, a plastic surgeon and co-author of the study, said: "Approximately 85% of women are affected by cellulite. Cellulite is not specific to overweight people but excess weight may worsen the condition.

"Although the appearance of cellulite diminished for the majority of patients, weight loss did not totally eradicate the condition. The dimples appear to be permanent features that lessen in depth as the pounds come off."

How do you get rid of it?

If you've wasted time and money on scam cellulite solutions, you're going to be happy – and sad – to hear what I have to say. The truth is if you want to
know how to lose cellulite, the answer has been right in front of your face all along.

And yes, it's the classic 3-step system of the right diet, the right exercise, and getting social support. There's nothing fancy, nothing expensive, and nothing magical about any of these.

Perhaps you expected me to promote some magical seaweed harvested off the coast of the Canary Islands only between November and December when the moon is full? Well, if that's the case, I'm sorry to disappoint you.

Instead, you're going to discover that it's possible for a woman to lose cellulite in her 40's, 50's and 60's, even when most women have given up on beating the cellulite curse.

Most women rely on long, slow cardio training, but in all my years as a trainer, I've never seen jogging build a better butt. In fact, most women joggers still have the same saggy butt and thighs problem as non-joggers.

And sometimes it's even worse (plus, they notice it more too, with all that thigh-rubbing during their long, slow cardio workouts).

Instead, women need to focus on interval training to lose cellulite from their thighs and resistance training to tone up their tush..

That's exactly what one my clients, a woman named Melanie, did it by switching to three short, but intense workouts per week. She Joined Bootcamp, and when she couldnt go to Bootcamp she used my CELLULITE REMOVAL SYSTEM and started with 20 minutes of total body resistance training and finished with 20 minutes of interval training.

Melanie found these workouts to be much more effective for losing cellulite than her old workouts of long cardio. Australian researchers have also found that interval training is more effective for burning belly fat in woman as well, even though the interval workouts lasted only half the time.

No marathon cardio sessions needed. Instead, her cellulite solution workouts focused on short, burst activities only. But none of this would have been possible without the support of her husband.

Most women don't know this, but social support is one of the most important factors in the success of any fat loss program. If you don't have someone motivating you, encouraging you, and holding you accountable, even all the magic in the world won't cure your cellulite, because at the end of the day, you still have to do the work.

Along with a 1600 calorie per day diet of whole, natural foods and the loving social support of her husband, Melanie was able to lose over 25 pounds in 12 weeks and dropped her body fat 7.7% to an all-time low of 16.9%. She lost 3 inches from her thighs and over 3.5 inches from her hips. It literally looks as though someone elevated her butt two inches and removed all the fat from her low back.

By getting rid of her cellulite and boosting her butt, Melanie not only changed her body but transformed herself inside and out. She now has the power over food, rather than it having the power over her, and she has her best-ever body, most women simply give up or continue to rely on cellulite scams to provide an overnight change in their body.

She is an inspiration to women everywhere who want to know how to lose cellulite.

There's no magic potion or pill. Just the right diet, exercise and social support.


[caption id="attachment_1585" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="cellulite removal system"][/caption]

The Cellulite Removal System Inculdes:

  • A 7 Day Pre Planned 1,200 Calorie or 1,600 Calorie Meal Plan (Depending on where you are NOW)
  • A Cellulite Fighting Workout You Can Follow On Mondays
  • A Muscle Shaping and Toning Workout You Can Follow On Wednesday
  • A Fat Blasting and Calorie Burning Workout You Can Follow On Fridays to keep you burning fat All Weekend
Sunday thru Saturday your meals are planned, your 3 workouts per week are planned.

All you have to do is FOLLOW!

This System Sells for $97, but you can get it today as part of out DAILY DEAL for just $47

Your Meals Will be emailed to you in a PDF file you can easily print, and your Easy to follow Virtual workout will be in a password protected area of our Site..so that you can access it any time you want.

Again, it's on sale TODAY for $47

Saturday, January 15, 2011

8 Metabolism Boosters for Fat Loss

Your metabolism is your fat loss foundation.

It keeps burning and burning fat 24 hours a day...the only problem
is, do you have a fast metabolism? And if not, what can you do
about it to boost your metabolism and burn fat to lose weight?

Your metabolism is basically how many calories you burn each day.
Children have faster metabolic rates than adults, and we all know
about the legendary metabolism's of teenage boys. That's the
metabolism you wish you had.

And while it is inevitable that your metabolism decreases with age,
it doesn't doom you to gaining weight. It might even decrease 30%
over your life, but really, is that any reason to become
overweight? No way. Not when you can turn it around with a couple
of simple, proven techniques listed below...

Here are 8 possible metabolic boosters and the truth about whether
each works.

1) Strength training

Claim: Boosts metabolism up to 10% after a training program


In fact, despite what many men and women think, harder exercise is
better for your metabolism. However, please note that 1 pound of
muscle does not burn 50 calories per day.

In one study, women received a greater metabolic boost from using 8
repetitions per set rather than traditional high-rep (12 reps)
sets. So stick to harder exercises (pushups and more advanced
bodyweight exercises) or dumbbell exercises.

2) Breakfast

Claim: Because it stops your "fasting", it can boost metabolism

True? Maybe yes, maybe no. Your metabolism won't go into
"starvation mode" without breakfast, but it is associated with
successful weight loss. So make it a habit to consume some protein,
fiber, & fruit (& even veggies if you can fit them in) at this
time. This will keep your appetite in check till your next break or
even lunch.

3) Green Tea

Claim: Burns an extra 80 calories per day

True? Not really. It has been shown to burn 80 calories per day in
young men on the first day of supplementation, but will this affect
last once your body gets used to it? I don't think.

After all, take a look at caffeine. You can find studies that show
it increases metabolism as well. But really, is anyone losing fat
with caffeine? The revolving doors at Starbucks say "No!".

Coffee is okay in moderate doses, and I recommend Green Tea to
everyone, but for health reasons, not for fat loss. The only way
you will lose fat with Green Tea is if you replace a 300+-calorie
Frappucino with an iced, unsweetened Green Tea. Otherwise, don't
count on it for much in terms of metabolism.

4) Fat Burners

Claim: Boost your metabolism big time!

Fat burners are simply caffeine pills with a few other ingredients thrown
in. You'll get an increase in mental energy, but that doesn't mean it will
significantly boost metabolism or burn fat.

5) Ice Cold Water with Lemon Juice Squeezed into it

Claim: The body will burn calories warming up the water and the
lemon juice also burns more fat.

Truth? Nice in theory, short in practice. Nobody is losing fat with
ice cold water. If it sounds too good to be true - you know the
rest of the story.

6) Eating 6 small meals per day

Claim: Boosts metabolism and can help control cholesterol.

Possibly true. Try and split your meals up into smaller meals that can be
eaten over the course of the day. This might be part of the breakfast magic...

7) Protein

Claim: Burns more calories (uses more calories in digestion than
carbohydrates or fat).

True, but…

I'm not sure if this is significant, but protein also helps
fill you up longer. And that's where the real benefit comes in -
preventing overeating. And if you want details, another study
showed that animal protein results in more energy burned than
vegetable protein.

8] Interval training

Claim: Interval training causes a greater increase in post-exercise
metabolism than regular cardio.

I certainly believe it.

And I do know this. A recent study from Australia found that a
shorter interval program led to more weight loss than a
twice-as-long aerobic training program. This confirms the original
interval training study from as far back as 1994 that showed
greater results from a shorter interval program when compared to a
traditional cardio program.

Bottom line: Intervals work!

So we see that hard work and diligent eating burn more calories and
that magic pills and potions don't work.

But that shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. My advice? Add
strength, intervals, mini-meals, and protein to your weight loss
plan and you'll be leaner and warmer thanks to your faster

Click here to start firing up your metabolism today with TT workouts:

=> http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com
Turbulence Training was built to boost your metabolism,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

P.S. It worked for these folks!

"I Coach busy women with no time to look in the mirror, let alone
adopt a whole foods lifestyle or exercise yet already! And yet,
your Turbulence strategies show almost everyone that everyone has
all of the time they'll ever need to include exercise as a fun,
performance-promotion essential to their lives. This program is
amazing and plenty challenging because it is simple. Clear but lets
no one off the hook. I'm thrilled to say this is a great addition
to any woman's arsenal of what to do"
Ann G. Burgess, President, Pathfinders' Fitness by Design,
Arlington , MA

Get your very own copy of Turbulence Training & the Nutrition Guide here:

=> http://www.turbulencetraining.com/
"In November of 2005, I noticed that I had put on a significant
amount of weight. I had avoided getting on the scale b/c I was
afraid to see how bad the # was. With my job, I had many client dinners
frequently and I wasn't taking into the consideration of how much it was
impacting my weight.

I was still working out, but didn't have a solid program that I
committed to. I went to the gym when I had time. When I finally got on
the scale I noticed that my weight hit an all time high of 228lbs!!! Not good,
when I know my optimal weight for my frame is 210lbs.

The last 3 months I committed to Turbulence Training and made some
modifications to my diet outlined in the TT program. What I realized
is that the workouts were more intense, I burned more calories and
I made it out of the gym in less time then I previously did. This
worked well for my busy schedule and it was simple to commit to
this program.

After a 3 month commitment, I am happy to say I am now back at
210lbs and feel better then I have in years. All thanks to the TT
program. I have tried many programs and this is the most effective
and simple program I have ever used. I recommend to anyone that faces
the same busy work/personal life that I do."
Dion Guerin, Sales, Toronto

Monday, January 10, 2011

Over 700+ Fresh Gifts Are Waiting For You Here... (FREE Download)!

Hi Everyone,

Self Improvement Gifts 5 is LIVE and that means...

It's time to get your hands on the largest
selection of FREE Personal Growth Gifts &
Internet Marketing Products & Services that
you will find anywhere!

Stephanie Mulac, Carolyn Hansen & Dr. Joe Rubino
predicted that this 5th annual massive Giveaway
Event would be the best yet - and they've made
good on their word!

The line up of gifts I've seen are some of the
most powerful Self Improvement ebooks, memberships,
videos, audios, software, and e-courses on the net

They've assembled the who's who of Personal Growth
Experts and you'll be able to grab 1000s of dollars
worth of products & services - all geared toward
improving your life and business endeavors!

You can go Download all of these products TODAY
right here:


I've already had a peek at the gifts and look at
what you'll be able to get your hands on if you

* How to Become an Advanced Early Riser - Steven Aitchison
* Turn Your Passion into a book... - Warren Whitlock
* Total Wellness Guide - Craig Raphael
* COACHES: Create a 6-Figure Practice, Here's How! - Barb Wade
* Living the Rich Life - Julia Busch
* Achieve Your Dreams - Brenton Lindo
* I Have Value Meditation - Estra Roell
* Creative Visualization Mastey - Bruno Auger
* Wealthy You 2011 Vision Sheet - Nachhi Randhawa
* Find the Best Self Improvement Niches and More - Tuks Engineer
* Self Hypnosis Sessions At Home - Paul Mihai Pavel
* Wake Up to the Dream - Eva Gregory
* And TONS (OVER 700+) MORE!

This event only lasts for 21 days, so don't delay
and get over there now:


To Your Success In 2011!
Rafael Moret

P.S. Download all the gifts immediately and check
back often because more are being added all the
