Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sorry I didnt mention this

Hi {!firstname_fix},

I just wanted to run 2 quick things

1 My love for Coffee

Did you know:
Research from Harvard shows that increased coffee consumption and greatly reduce your risk for type two diabetes
The antioxidants in coffee can reduce inflammation and risk for heart disease
The antioxidants in coffee have been shown to reduce the oxidation of LDL cholesterol (the ‘bad’ cholesterol)
Caffeine increase dopamine levels which makes you sharper and more alert
Caffeine increases brain activity [and reduces morning fog <--that's not a scientific finding just my observation ]
Many people shy away from regular coffee and opt for decaf thinking they are making a healthier choice but decaf coffee has significantly lower levels of antioxidants.
Caffeine has been shown to accelerate your body’s ability to repair blood vessel walls (that’s cool).
Coffee has been shown to reduce rick for suicide.
I bet you didn’t know that all that good stuff came from drinking coffee huh?

2nd...The Summer Bootcamp offer...

Did you know you get:
3 Months of UNLIMITED Boot Camp,Yes as many classes as
you want and at any location (48 New and Evolving Full Body Workouts)...A $897 Value
A Copy Of Our 10 Day Detox Jump Start Meal Plan...
A $175 Value
Our Famous 12 Day Fat Blasting Meal Plan...A $125 Value
A Copy of The Prograde 197 Healthy, Fat Burning Recipe e-
Book...You can use this Forever
ALL TOGETHER $1,225 of Training and Meal Plans..

You can get it ALL here:

That's ALL Today