Thursday, August 6, 2009

Have You Been Slacking OFF??

Hi Everyone

I'll admit it: the summer weather means you have more distractions to sap your workout resolve (napping in a hammock, for example).

But a lot of people fall into a little slump sometimes...listen!! It happens, but the most important thing is to realize that you are slacking off...

This way you can stop making excuses and take action!!!

Now I know you have heard me talk about Goal setting and Timelines....and sometimes you brush it off and
Just because you're training for fat loss, better health or to look better naked - doesn't change the fact that DEADLINES are extremely effective tools.For someone interested in changing the way they look, goal setting with timelines is just as important.Let's stop putting it off RIGHT NOW!!

Let's set your next goal for the "End of summer" - that's Labor Day weekend (first weekend in September).

That's just a little more than 3 weeks from NOW!!!
Not 3 weeks from next week...3 weeks from NOW!So if you're looking and feeling little flabby this weekend that just passed this is your time to make a change
But you still need to start NOW...that's the difference...if you are thinking "yes, I need to do something, I'll start Monday" won't happen...don't wait anymoreHere are the fat loss basics:
You need to create a caloric deficit - no two ways about it - you must burn more than you consume.
Your diet should consist of lean proteins, fruits and vegetables. Keep starches and refined carbs to a minimum, try to eat at least 4-5 small meals per day.
Keep your water intake high
Exercise - interval training and metabolic resistance training will provide the most effective way get things going...YES that means BOOTCAMP
Try to exercise at least six days per week for the NEXT 3 weeks

If you live in South Florida..Join Boot Camp:
==> Join Here <==

If you don't live in South Florida...find a Boot Camp that's Good..and Join!!!

If you already come to Boot Camp...write down everything that you are eating...Let's See if you are doing the right thing

If you have been slacking on Your Water intake...BUMP it up..Right Now!

If you are still thinking about it then STOP thinking...take action

If you Join Boot Camp...I guess I'll see you tonight

-- Rafael Moret,CSCS, NASM-Cpt http://www.Results4Sure.com

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